Sunday 9 December 2012


Suster Ngesot  tells the story of two girls, who live near where their college dorm. They called vira and Silla, who are good friends with each other. Vira has a boyfriend, a student from australia named Mike. Vira and Silla occupied a room that once was never inhabited by other students due to certain reasons. The room turned out to save the mystery death of a former student named Lastri. Introduction between Silla and Mike, being the beginning of the emergence of mystery around them. Silla and mike apparently having an affair behind Vira, which triggers anger Suster Ngesot. Death will terrorize those who had an affair, the region dormitory. Before someone dies, it first appears in a green diary, which found by Vira in her room. Vira can feel there is an anomaly that appears. Mystery death of Suster Lastri  began to unfold.  Suster Lastri s was killed by her boyfriend, who is a doctor named Framle. Her boyfriend caught cheating predictably friend, named Eva. His body was buried in the walls of the room vira and Silla. Suster Lastri grudge to all the adultery. Finally Silla and Mike died, caused outrage Suster Ngesot, above the affair which they did, behind vira.




    There are a few ways in which the lie detector can be used. Firstly, this machine can be used without a subject's knowledge has been introduced in Britain. The Dektor psychological stress analyzer (PSE) is used by private industry for pre-employment screening,investigating thefts, and even periodic staff checks. Besides, in the US,the device is used for pre-employment interviews with questions such as 'Have you used marihuana? and for monthly checks with branch managers, asking questions like 'Do you suspect any present employees of cheating the company? that is prevent a manager from setting his own pace to investigate possibly suspicious behavior. Next, it also can be used to probe a whole range of personal issues totally unrelated to job , and then the PSE can be used without the subject even knowing, its inventors analysed the televised Watergate hearings and told the press who they thought was lying. Other than that, there are few objections found in this machine. First of all, one of the other two units was being employed by a private firm for pre-employment checks. It also possible to pick out a word or phrase that caused stress. Lastly, its a primary application will be in situations where people may not object such as pre-employment interviews.


  The Pursuit of Happyness, is story about a Chris Gardner is a bright and talented but marginally employed salesman. Besides, Chris Gardner is a family man struggling. Despite his valiant attempts to help keep the family afloat, while his wife Thandie Newton and his five years old son named as a Christopher is buckling under the constant strain of financial pressure. No longer able to cope, she reluctantly decides to leave. After his wife leaved him, Chris became a single father, continues doggedly to pursue a better paying job using every sales skill he knows. He lands an internship at a prestigious stock brokerage firm, and although there is no salary, he accepts, hopeful he will end the program with a job and a promising future. Without a financial cushion, Chris and his son are soon evicted from their apartment and forced to sleep in shelters, bus stations, bathrooms, or wherever they can find refuge for the night. Therefore, to despite his troubles, Chris continues to honor his commitment as a loving and caring father, using the affection and trust his son has placed in him as an impetus to overcome the obstacles he faces. If i were a main character in this story, I'll never ever give up to build up my family happiness. I want my family get a blast happiness beside me. I will always try my best in order to give a comfortable life for my family. Moreover, if i in his situation, I will use all my knowledge to some useful job, and establish some business that could help me to change my life and my family..

Thursday 6 December 2012



Anyone of you have a pet? Of course, I know most of you must have pets, especially cats. Just like me, I like cats, but it does not become my pets at home, because of the memories I cannot forget. Actually, this story started when I was 7 years old. I really like the cat. I was very taboo to see a cat; I would pick up and play with the cat and then I will kiss the cat, because I love cat so much. There was one day; I play around in my cousin’s ​​house. During the lunch time, my aunt told me to eat. While I was eating, all of a sudden a black cat which is quite big, jumping in front of me. The cat has made ​​me very surprised; because that's the first time I saw a black cat with a big body. The cat looked at me, like want to bite me. I feel afraid of the cat, so I tried to get up slowly, while bringing my food to another places, but the cat still followed me. I try to hit the cat use a broom, but the cat is still stubborn and trying to eat my food.  At that time, I cried because my food was eaten by the black cat. I hate the cat as well. Since the incident, I would have cried to see the cat. I also suddenly became an anti to cats, especially black cats. For me, a black cat is very creepy. I could hope that there will be no black cats on this world anymore. I started phobia to cats due to the incident. Therefore, until now, I was 20 years old, I don’t like cats. Although, many people say that cats are cute pets, I admit all that, but until now I still cannot foster a love of cats, like before the incident. However, I know many people love cats, especially females. They are quite strange to see my behavior for a cat, because,  to them I am a weird  woman that doesn't have  feelings, just because I do not like cats, but they're wrong, because even though I don’t like cats, I'm a pretty affectionate girl. 

Sunday 18 November 2012


What are the common mistakes that u always do in writing? Do you find writing in English is difficult? What kind of problem do you face when you start writing? What are your suggestions to overcome the problem? Discuss.

          Common mistake I often do, when in writing, are the terms reorganization and adaptation sentences and grammar usage. I'm pretty weak in laying out a sentence, by the use of proper and correct grammar. In my opinion, the process of writing a topic, given in English, it is difficult if a person is poor, or do not know to use the English language while writing. However, for those who are easy in use English language, and can write in English, they are also not always easy to write something, because in the process of writing, a person must have a lot of knowledge, wise to organize and customize any use of the word, and also can provide ideas, which can be linked to or included in a literature. Furthermore, the problems I faced when I started writing that I often lack of ideas, and very slow to parse a point. Besides, I also difficult to organize sentences as well, because my English language usage, still at an unsatisfactory level, and my understanding in the English language is also quite weak. Therefore, my suggestion to overcome this problem is, I should be diligent to read and find additional knowledge through dictionaries, magazines, or books, and newspapers. Last but not least, a good way to improve my English language usage, is by hearing a word in the English language, such as television or radio, and I also need to be sensitive to those who communicate with me by using English language, because in this way, it can improve and simplify myself, in writing without there being an issue with certain problems.


      Water pollution is the contamination of water for example lakes, rivers,oceans, and groundwater. Water pollution occurs when pollutant are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds. Nowadays, water pollution is quite prevalent. It is threatening life on the sea or in the river, as well as adverse effects on human health. However, this can be overcome by certain parties, which should  be environmentally responsible. There are several factors that cause the occurrence of water pollution. First of all, it is caused by improper waste disposal, where people today's love to throw garbage into the river or the sea near their homes. Besides, it stems from manufacturing. For illustrate, removal of toxic waste or chemicals from certain factories, which indirectly adversely affect, to the life in the sea or river, where the fish or plants difficult to get oxygen, due to the toxic or chemicals, which were superimposed on the surface water. Further, the use of fertilizers or pesticides used by the farmers for cultivation is the cause of water pollution, because when it rains, the chemicals will flow into rivers,causing pollution to the water. On the whole, water pollution occurs, due to improper disposal reaches, manufacturing removes toxic waste into the water, and the flow of chemicals from the garden to the river, which will give harm to human health, and at the same time, it threatened plants and wildlife in the water. 


     Writing process is very important to learn by peoples, especially to students. The writing process is like the mirrors, the way proficient writers write. There are five stages in writing process. First of all is prewritng, which typically followed by drafting, revision, editing, and publishing. It's include panning, research, outlining, diagramming, or clustering. Next stage is a drafting that need a independently from the students. On this stages, we put the information that have been researched into your own words, and writes sentences and paragraphs even if they are not perfect and read what we have written and judge if it says the meaning. At the third, is revising which show students how to revise specific aspects of their writing to make it more coherent and clear during mini lessons. Besides, it also is to make it better, which means we should think what others said about it. Further, is the editing that we can call as a proofreading, which is the purpose of it is to make it correct. The way is be sure all sentences are complete, with a correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation and recopy it correctly and neatly. Last but not least, is publishing. It encourage students to publish their works in variety of ways. The exact meaning of this step is share the finished writing to others, which involves the stages of development, copy editing and production. To summarize the five process of writing, that include a prewrting,drafting,revision,editing and publishing, they are the important things that we must gather in the step of writing process, because it will help us on how to write an essays based on the stages of writing to make our writing more greatly.

Saturday 6 October 2012


   Writing process is a very important to learn, especially for students. The writing process is like a mirrors the way proficient writers write. In stages of writing process , there's five stages. Firstly, prewritng, typically followed by drafting, revision and publishing. The element of prewritng may include planning, research, outlining, diagramming, stroryboarding, or clustering. In fact, prewritng is how we decide on a topic to write about and consider who will read or listen to our written work. Next, is drafting which have students independently at this stage. In this stages, we put the information that have been researched into your own words, and writers sentences and paragraphs even if they are not perfect, and also read what we have written and judge if it said the meaning. In the third stages, is revising, which show students how to revise specific aspects of their writing to make it more coherent and clear during mini lessons. The revising also is to make it better, means we should think what others said about it, and rearrange words sentences, while replaced overused or unclear words, then read it back to be sure it flows smoothly. The next stages is editing, that we can call as a proofreading, which is the purpose of it, is to make it correct. The way is, be sure all sentences are complete, with a correct spelling, capitalization and punctuation then recopy it correctly and neatly. The final step of the writing process is publishing, which encourage students to publish their works in variety of ways. It's need to produce a final copy of each work, in the correct format. The exact meaning of this step is share the finished writing to others. It involves the stages of development, copy editing and production. So, from now onward, we must know how to follow the process of writing to simply us to create your writing greatly.

Monday 1 October 2012


  1. Juan and Arturo play football every afternoon.
  2. The girl play the game.
  1. My friend invited me to a birthday party, and I accepted the invite.
  2. Canada is a rich country, but it still has many poor people.
  1. Because the bridge wasn't properly maintained by the government, it fell down.
  2. When he handed in his homework, he forgot to give the teacher the last page.
  1. Even though he prefers to eat with a fork, he chooses to use chopstick in Chinese restaurants, however they aren't easy to use.
  2. Nicholas usually use a pick whenever he play the guitar, or he just use his fingers.


The word of LOVE is a very famous things in human life. Love is a feeling that is unique and very interesting. Love arises in the individual sense. It can make a person happy, but sometimes it makes a person suffer because of love. Besides, love is not just a feeling between boys and girls, but it was also a feeling that was born between the parents, friends and the most important is the love of our god. However, true love knows no age, appearance, or religion, because it comes from a pure heart instinct. The feeling of love must be treated with care, because it is a valuable gift from our god, in order to strengthen a relationship, and to avoid the break in an individual relationship. Love is having a strong attraction, then it makes difficult for them to forget the feeling of love. Other than that, love can change a person's attitude, for example people with high ego can be changed by the power of love. In fact, love can affect a person's mind, from hate to love, so do not go unrewarded love in our hearts, but make it a true feeling of love. However, we also must be wise to control every feeling of love, do not let it affect us until we forget everything. 

Saturday 28 July 2012


Unconscious mind
Meaning: That part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware. 

Meaning: Recite with musical intonation.

Meaning: Very drunk person.

Meaning: Move very slightly.

Meaning: (Of sound) set to a certain pitch or key.

Meaning: A source of materials to nourish the body.

Meaning: The act of suffocating (someone) by constricting the windpipe.

Meaning: Annoying and unpleasant.

Meaning: A traditional story accepted as history.

Meaning: Shining unsteadily.


   In class today, we presented our Ghost storytelling entitled "Bloody Mary myth". All groups present their acting well. Today's class activities, it’s got some creepy and scary, because my classmates and I perform the ghost stories by make it like a real stories. Our group presents the stories of ghosts, that is, "Bloody Mary myth", which tells us about things that ever happened in a school, because they are playing "Bloody Mary myth" by saying "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, I kill your son" in 3 times. Each group has its own creativity, in making their own ghost character. However, today's class is really enjoyed and fun.


Meaning: The act of supplying food and nourishment.

Meaning: Caused to show discomposure.

Meaning: The state of needing something that is absent or unavailable.

Meaning: A partner or colleague in business or at work.

Meaning: An expression including a subject and predicate but not constituting a complete sentence.

Meaning: A written promise to pay a debt.

Meaning: Any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted.

Meaning: Relating to or characteristic of the profession of law.

Meaning: Sanctioned by establishment authority.

Meaning: The act of changing location in a downward direction. 


   Class this week, we have taught chapter 7, the “Modal verbs". From what has been taught before, I understand the "Modal verbs" is positive words, but if added to or combined with the word "not" it will be negative. For example, "can" is positive, if added "cannot", then the word is to be negative. "Modal verbs" is like (can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, ought to, will, and would). Now, I can understand this topic as possible. Madam atee, teach us in detailed for each topic, I like the way she teaches, it is easy for me to understand what she taught.


Meaning: Expressing that the subject of the sentences is the patient of the action denoted by the verb.

Meaning: One of a limited class of noun modifiers that determine the refers of noun phrases.

Meaning: Act of giving in common with others for a common purpose especially to a charity.

Meaning: A space reserved for sitting.

Meaning: Earn on some commercial or business transaction.

Meaning: The voice used to to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the happening denoted by the verb.

Meaning: Not based on fact or unreal.

Meaning: Not likely to be true or to occur or to have occurred.

Meaning: Imposing or depending on or containing a condition.

Meaning: A function word that combines with a noun or pronoun or noun phrase to form a preposition phrase that can have an adverbial or adjectival relation to some other word.


    Related to class today, I have learned about conditional clauses (1, 2, and 3). In the last semester, I have learned on this topic, but I cannot understand it clearly. This topic is divided into three, namely "first conditional", "second conditional", and "third conditional". In addition, Madam atee also discuss some of the '8 part of speech ' in today’s class. We are instructed by her to find a part of speech, and present it by next week class, because it is one of the essential knowledge to help us in making an essay writing. Further, Madam atee has also taught us about the "active voice" and "passive voice".  Active voice is a normal voice, while the passive voice is the subject of the received action verbs.


Meaning: Think carefully, or to say something that you have been thinking about.

Meaning: In place of, or as an alternative to.

Meaning: Concerned with concrete problems or data rather that with fundamental principles.

Meaning: Providing supplementary or additional help.

Meaning: A low or regulation forbidding something.

Meaning: Special importance or significance.

Meaning: A striking occurrence of two or more events at one time.

Meaning: An energetic attempt to achieve something.

Meaning: A person who kills himself intentionally.

Meaning: The act of imputing blame or guilt.

Friday 27 July 2012


     In class today,my friends and I,is ready to present our ghost storytelling. We train together before classes started, but we have been informed that today's class is cancelled, because Madam Atee takes an emergency leave. However, we are not allowed to return home, because today, we had a charity with students and staff of our college, to clean the college. We have been informed that the students, which together help the college to clean the area of our college, the students will be given the flexibility to hostel when they are less satisfactory results. Besides that, even we were tired, but that is not a problem for us, because it will bring benefit to us and other students. Furthermore, in my opinion, the cleaning operation runs, could foster cooperation between students and staff of our college.


To make ends meet
Meaning: To have enough money from day to day.

A storm in a teacup
Meaning: The process of showing a lot of worry or excitement over something trivial.

To get out of hand
Meaning: To allow a situation to get out of control.

To pay through the nose
Meaning: Someone has paid more money for something than what that something is worth.

Under the weather
Meaning: Someone is not feeling very well.

To take someone under your wing
Meaning: To mentor someone or to take over looking after another.

It is raining cats and dogs
Meaning: Rain very heavily.

To bang your head against a brick wall
Meaning: A person is feeling frustrated because they are getting nowhere either with themselves or with another.

To throw in the towel
Meaning: Someone has given up and stopped trying.

To pull your weight
Meaning: Work as hard as you possibly can, or at least give a contribution to a task that is equal to your peers.

Friday 6 July 2012


The Ending Of the Story ( A Picture Paints A Thousands Words)

     On the topic A Picture Paints A Thousands Words, which my lecturer showed a short clip about a woman who left her camera in the train, and a man who has found the camera, that happened to ride the same train with her. The man had brought the camera to his house, and he trying to see the pictures found in the camera. He saw her pictures with her friends and family, and he was surprised to see pictures of themselves sitting in the middle of the boarded the train just now, is in the camera too. He thought she was taking pictures while quietly in the train. Therefore, he decided to return the camera, but he did not know the address or telephone number of the woman. He saw a picture in a camera, showing where it exists in the picture. Next, he decided to snap his picture using the camera, and write his name and telephone number in a piece of paper and put the camera in the box with the paper. He does so to facilitate the woman, looking for him after he return the camera. He came to the woman house, but he failed to meet the woman. Therefore, he put the camera in front of the door. A few days later, the woman has called him to meet in the first place they are meet, in the same train. More days, they become close, and keep meet each other, until they become a good friends.


What you have learn from the day class/lessons    
    I'm taking the English subject since the second semester, until now I was in fourth semester. English for specific purpose subject that  I have learned this semester, taught by my lecturer, she's Madam Maryatee Stanley. I am satisfied and love the way she taught in the class, because it is easy for me to understand the lessons. On the last Monday, we have studied the first topic, A picture Paints A Thousands Words. From the lessons, I can learn a few words of idioms, and some new words that I have never heard before. Therefore I had learned something new about the lessons that day. In addition, the feeling I was in class that day, I felt comfortable, although there were some students that  I have never known before, became my classmates, but we still able to communicate as well.

Saturday 28 April 2012

10th Vocabulary Entry

Beliefs : Any cognitive content held as true.

Contrary : A relation of direct opposition.

Incidents : A single distinct event.

Theft : The act of taking something from someone unlawfully.

Reduction : The act of decreasing or reducing something.

Cautious : People who are fearful and cautious.

Significant : Too closely correlated to be attributed to chance therefore indicating a systematic relation.

Associational :  Relating to associations or associationism.

Superstitions : An irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear.

Inauspicious : Presaging ill fortunate.

10th Reflection

       Worst luck that I had gone through in my life, and it's hard to forget until now is, when I was in form 5. In 2009, I was critical examination of educational certificates Malaysia (SPM). Actually I have a problems every month during my menstruation, and I always got pain in my stomach extremely. I experienced this problem when I want to take the examination for the first day of SPM. On that day, my body was very weak, and less able to go to school, but I forced myself to attend to school, because that day was an important day for all form 5 students. Everyday I follow the school bus, when in the bus, my cousin who also took the exam on that day, commenting on my face that looks pale because of pain. That time, my cousin told me back home, but I still insisted to go to school also. I spoke in my heart, I will face that day no matter how difficult is it, just for my future. On the same day, I could not stop crying for the pain. My face is pale, hand and my feet are very weak, and my head was dizzy, but I pray to be able to survive. However, I am worried, because all I have refresher lessons, indirectly lost, because I did not think a lot of the time. The first paper on that day is, the subject of Bahasa Melayu, and I realize It's very important subject. During the examination begin, I cannot answer well, because of my stomach was getting sick. I am very disappointed and concerned with my decision. On March 2010, my SPM result are already out, and I'm quite disappointed with the grade that I got, for the subject Bahasa Melayu. I do not get excellent grades, and then I was sad. However, my friends tried to reassure me, so I am pleased with the results I've obtained. Finally, I realized that I should be grateful for what I have, thought less brilliant, at least I did not fail in my SPM results. So, I promised to myself, I will face anything, for my future that I dreamed.