Friday 27 July 2012


To make ends meet
Meaning: To have enough money from day to day.

A storm in a teacup
Meaning: The process of showing a lot of worry or excitement over something trivial.

To get out of hand
Meaning: To allow a situation to get out of control.

To pay through the nose
Meaning: Someone has paid more money for something than what that something is worth.

Under the weather
Meaning: Someone is not feeling very well.

To take someone under your wing
Meaning: To mentor someone or to take over looking after another.

It is raining cats and dogs
Meaning: Rain very heavily.

To bang your head against a brick wall
Meaning: A person is feeling frustrated because they are getting nowhere either with themselves or with another.

To throw in the towel
Meaning: Someone has given up and stopped trying.

To pull your weight
Meaning: Work as hard as you possibly can, or at least give a contribution to a task that is equal to your peers.

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