Saturday 6 October 2012


   Writing process is a very important to learn, especially for students. The writing process is like a mirrors the way proficient writers write. In stages of writing process , there's five stages. Firstly, prewritng, typically followed by drafting, revision and publishing. The element of prewritng may include planning, research, outlining, diagramming, stroryboarding, or clustering. In fact, prewritng is how we decide on a topic to write about and consider who will read or listen to our written work. Next, is drafting which have students independently at this stage. In this stages, we put the information that have been researched into your own words, and writers sentences and paragraphs even if they are not perfect, and also read what we have written and judge if it said the meaning. In the third stages, is revising, which show students how to revise specific aspects of their writing to make it more coherent and clear during mini lessons. The revising also is to make it better, means we should think what others said about it, and rearrange words sentences, while replaced overused or unclear words, then read it back to be sure it flows smoothly. The next stages is editing, that we can call as a proofreading, which is the purpose of it, is to make it correct. The way is, be sure all sentences are complete, with a correct spelling, capitalization and punctuation then recopy it correctly and neatly. The final step of the writing process is publishing, which encourage students to publish their works in variety of ways. It's need to produce a final copy of each work, in the correct format. The exact meaning of this step is share the finished writing to others. It involves the stages of development, copy editing and production. So, from now onward, we must know how to follow the process of writing to simply us to create your writing greatly.

Monday 1 October 2012


  1. Juan and Arturo play football every afternoon.
  2. The girl play the game.
  1. My friend invited me to a birthday party, and I accepted the invite.
  2. Canada is a rich country, but it still has many poor people.
  1. Because the bridge wasn't properly maintained by the government, it fell down.
  2. When he handed in his homework, he forgot to give the teacher the last page.
  1. Even though he prefers to eat with a fork, he chooses to use chopstick in Chinese restaurants, however they aren't easy to use.
  2. Nicholas usually use a pick whenever he play the guitar, or he just use his fingers.


The word of LOVE is a very famous things in human life. Love is a feeling that is unique and very interesting. Love arises in the individual sense. It can make a person happy, but sometimes it makes a person suffer because of love. Besides, love is not just a feeling between boys and girls, but it was also a feeling that was born between the parents, friends and the most important is the love of our god. However, true love knows no age, appearance, or religion, because it comes from a pure heart instinct. The feeling of love must be treated with care, because it is a valuable gift from our god, in order to strengthen a relationship, and to avoid the break in an individual relationship. Love is having a strong attraction, then it makes difficult for them to forget the feeling of love. Other than that, love can change a person's attitude, for example people with high ego can be changed by the power of love. In fact, love can affect a person's mind, from hate to love, so do not go unrewarded love in our hearts, but make it a true feeling of love. However, we also must be wise to control every feeling of love, do not let it affect us until we forget everything.